Automation Myths:

True or False? 


IT automation is all about making your tech tasks faster and less hands-on, cutting down mistakes, and boosting efficiency. But this buzzword-worthy concept isn’t just a time-saver, it also lets you do the heaviest lifting quickly and consistently, freeing you up for the bigger picture, strategic stuff.


However, IT automation hype has given rise to numerous myths. Some are true. Some are not.


Can you tell what’s true and what’s false?

Automation Myths

What’s True? What’s False?

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Automated processes are more expensive than manual processes.

According to WorkMarket’s In(Sight) Report, “53% of employees believe they could save up to 2 hours a day by automating tasks... 78% of business leaders believe they could save up to 3 hours a day by automating tasks.”

Imagine saving 40 hours a month by automating tasks, that’s a full workweek every month. It may look like you’re spending because initially, you have to invest in an automation tool. But as Bill Gates famously said, “Choose a lazy person to do a hard job. A lazy person will find an easy way to do it.”

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Automation will steal your job.

No way! 

Automation frees you up to work on more strategic [and fun] projects, not bog you down with mundane, repetitive manual tasks.

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You need formal training to succeed with automation.

Not all automated-enabled tools require formal training. Most tools are built to do the heavy lifting for you. All you have to do is customize. Most folks think customizing scripts to their environment is tough.

That's simply not true. 

There are tons of free resources and tools available, including classes at Automox University.

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To automate, you have to know how to script.

A bit of copy-and-paste can go a long way.

A bit of copy-and-paste can go a long way. Online resources, AI-enabled assistance, and community forums allow you to tap into others’ solutions you can adopt. You don’t have to start from scratch.
Automation is not all about code. It’s about logically solving problems, then targeting and scheduling. Ask yourself, ‘What should I target?’ and ‘When should I run it?’

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Automation saves more time than it takes to set up.

Automation thrives on repetitive, predictable tasks that consume unnecessary time.

Here’s how to make sure a process is a candidate for automation. Ask yourself:
  • Is this a task that I do regularly? 
  • Is the work tedious? Does it normally take forever? 
  • Is this a task that, when complete, is riddled with errors or inconsistencies?

If the answer is yes to any of the questions above, automate that shit automate it!
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Automation is too new a phenomenon.

Some may perceive automation as a recent technological advancement. But for decades, automation has been a go-to for efficient, responsive organizations.

The Industrial Revolution introduced automation in manufacturing processes, changing how products were made.

Businesses rely on automating processes to keep up with growing demand and competition.

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Automated endpoint management isn’t secure.

In 2023, 53% of ITOps professionals cited security concerns as the most significant barrier to automation in endpoint management.

This myth must be dispelled.

One of the biggest benefits of automating your endpoint management is improved security.

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Automation makes end users happy.

End users benefit from risk-free and always up-to-date endpoints.

You can manage endpoints automatically, without interrupting the end user’s day – Bam! That’s productivity and job satisfaction guaranteed.